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Kuwait-a place the Brits can do business

Paul Walters

I was invited recently to a round table in Leeds with the British Ambassador to Kuwait and members of his trade team. When dealing in the Gulf region many comanies head to the bright lights of Dubai and do not always consider other regional markets.

Kuwait sits at the centre of an area of unpredictability being surrounded by Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, this makes the Kuwaiti 's masters at mediation and efforts to maintain stability. As a member of the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) currentlythey feel the organisation is struggling to work together at a high level but working normally at a day to day level.

It is the third largest export destination for the U.K. in the Gulf, the trend for U.K. exports remains on the up with a 15% increase over the last few years. They have one the highest GDP's per capita in the world and maintain big investments in the U.K.

This year celebrates the Anglo-Kuwaiti Agreement of 1899 a treaty signed between the British and the Sheikhdom of Kuwait on 23 January 1899. Under its provisions Britain pledged to protect the territorial integrity of Kuwait in return for restricting the access of foreign powers to the Sheikhdom and regulating its internal affairs.

Kuwait looks to the U.K. for excellence in many fields including education, healthcare and design services. British products and services have a reputation for quality but seen as more expensive but worth paying that little extra.

There is the potential for so much more as the Kuwaiti's have a modernisation and diversification programme called VISION 2035 through 7 pillars as shown in the infographic below.

Included in this is a massive expansion of healthcare as an example with projects to build new and expand exisiting hospitals.

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